Constellation is a Marxist caucus of Democratic Socialists of America members working to build DSA into a mass organization. DSA is our political home. We believe that it is the only socialist organization in the US which has the possibility to become a real force in American politics, transforming the society we live in and destroying the capitalism system.  

The founders of the caucus were delegates to the 2022 YDSA Convention, who had similar priorities for YDSA: expanding and consolidating YDSA's organizing infrastructure, committing to anti-imperialist struggle and international solidarity, and bringing YDSA further into DSA's organizing spaces. These members began the process of drafting Points of Unity and attempting to articulate our collective politics and the reasons we were united around similar proposals at Convention. That document unified the caucus around our political and organizational interventions at YDSA Convention in 2023 and 2024 and DSA convention in 2023. 

As caucus members began to graduate out of YDSA and the political terrain of and questions for DSA caucuses shifted following 2023 Convention, Constellation decided to relaunch the caucus as a caucus of all DSA members. With that we have drafted an updated and more comprehensive Points of Unity document. 

While the document has changed, the core reason for Constellation's existence remains the same: DSA has the potential to cohere the multitude of working class struggles into a unified political organization. Capitalism necessarily creates sites of struggle where we are able to root a new emancipatory politics that meets the political moment we are in. If organized, DSA can effectively unite the progressive forces that arise in these sites of struggle into a block for the struggle of all of humanity. It is through political organization that we transform ourselves from the individual powerless subjects of history into the protagonists of history. Only our collective solidarity creates the possibility for a new socialist world.